When is Easter Day ?
Easter Day is during the season of Spring. It is always on a Sunday and is during March or April.
How Do Christians Celebrate Easter?
Easter celebrates new life. It is a happy time and churches hold special celebration services.
Easter Food!
It is traditional to eat lamb at Easter, but not all Christians do this. Simnel Cake is a special cake that may also be eaten.
But most of all, children like to eat chocolate eggs! These are given as a symbol of new life.
Jesus comes to Jerusalem
Jesus came to Jerusalem riding on a donkey. People laid palm branches on the road.
The Last Supper
Jesus was sharing the Passover meal with his friends.
He took a towel and washed their feet.
"No!" Peter said. This was a servants' job!
Jesus said, "Be like me.You must help and serve others."
Jesus did it!
Jesus said to Peter, "Before the cockerel crows tomorrow morning, you will say you do not know me."
Jesus dies on a cross
Pilate ordered Jesus to be killed on a cross.
Soldiers put a crown of sharp thorns on his head, laughed and whipped him.
They nailed Jesus to a cross between two thieves. "Forgive them" Jesus said.
The sky went dark, the ground shookand the big temple curtain was torn apart.
Jesus died.
Jesus is alive!
Early Sunday morning,Mary went to Jesus' tomb.
The big stone door was open. The body was gone.Where was Jesus?
It was Jesus!
He was alive!
That evening Jesus met with his friends.
They were so happy!
1.-Colour the picture.
3.-Stick the pictures on a nuw piece of paper, in the right order to tell the story.
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